Monday, March 28, 2011

Daring Bakers: Meringue Coffeecake

I am late with this blog post for the challenge. My computer crashed! I am back now though with a new hard drive and lots of space on my "wiped out" computer to fill.
But I am back and ready to share this month's challenge with you.

The March 2011 Daring Baker's was hosted by Ria of Ria's Collection and Jaimie of Life's a Feast. Ria and Jamie challenged the Daring Bakers to bake a yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake.

I made two versions as the recipe as listed made two coffee cakes. One was filled with chocolate, and pecans and the other was filled with assorted dried tropical fruits.

The dough was easy to make . The meringue filling was odd though because it weeped terribly during the second rising. After baking,it seemed as though the meringue was nonexistent except for the sweetness.
I am going to try it again and I will use fillings that are not very sweet to counterbalance the meringue.

I am posting the pictures now and will post the recipe when I get my computer life a little more back to normal.
Thanks Ria and Jamie for such a different challenge. I love trying things that I have never done.
Chocolate flavor

Tropical Fruit Flavor

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mieng Kam Moo/Gai

I blogged recently about dinner friends made for us at their house- Thai Dinner Delight. My friend shared her recipe with me and has graciously given permission to share with you. It is a lovely "hands on" way to start a meal.

Thanks Amy!!!

Mieng Kam Moo/Gai (Pork/Chicken)


1 lb. ground pork or chicken
2 tomatoes
1 onion
2 carrots
1 clove of garlic
2 or 3 hot chilies
Olive oil
Fish sauce
Oyster sauce
Ground pepper


Boil the water for cooking the carrots. Chop the carrots like small dices. Put the chopped carrots into the boiling water and boil them for 8 minutes or until they are cooked. While waiting for the carrots to be cooked marinate ground pork or chicken with fish sauce and pepper and leave it for 8-10 minutes. Mince the tomatoes and onion. Mince the garlic and the chilies. Put the olive oil in a pan and heat it until it is hot. Put the minced garlic and chilies in the hot pan and stir for 30 seconds. Put the marinated ground pork or chicken and stir until it is cooked. Put the minced tomatoes, onion, and carrots in the pan and stir everything all together. Put oyster sauce and fish sauce and taste it. You can add more fish sauce and taste it until you like it.

How to eat:

You need to use your both hands, so make sure that your hands are clean. Put the cooked ground pork or chicken on a lettuce leaf and add a one or leaf of cilantro, and then wrap it and munch away.